By himself, Erik did what must now be done by at least 5 members. He gave the club stability, organization, and direction. For many years, he was the only club member who made presentations. A great storyteller, sharing with us many a tale both personal and scientific. He is the father who adopted ASTRA in its infancy and nurtured it through its childhood and teens. With his impending retirement, he began preparing his child to enter adulthood. Because of Erik, we consider ourselves Amateur Astronomers, not just hobbyists. We can run ASTRA without him. Not because we are so good, but because he taught us so well. We learned more than just Astronomy skills from Erik. We learned people skills as well, and if you have that, the rest is gravity (or is it gravy).
Because of Erik, many of us discovered hidden talents. We discovered we could understand many aspects of the hobby that seemed way over our heads. If you were stuck, Erik could always give you that push to get you started again, and was happy to do it. He gave you confidence. He would encourage you to speak at a meeting even if you didn't have much to say. He made you feel like it was important because it was important to him. Erik would help you prepare for a presentation and made you feel you were up to the challenge. The guy never separated the "big guns" from the "lightweights". He knew we all have something to offer and somehow he could bring it to the surface.
Erik had returned to the Novins Planetarium in 2003 as a part-time lecturer. He missed us and we missed him. Welcome back!
Dr. Zimmermann passed away on Jan 26th, 2007 at the age of 65.