Why become an ASTRA member?
We are a local astronomy club in the Toms River New Jersey Area, open to anyone interested in astronomy, space sciences, and astrophotography.
We usually hold monthly meetings that may offer guest speakers, presentations by members or by the Planetarium staff, and workshops on different aspects of astronomy.
Star Parties - For those members who enjoy observing the skies ASTRA holds “Star Parties” (weather permitting).
Astrophotography - We have members that are interested in astrophotography. They are willing to share their experiences and help those wanting to get involved.
Club Loaner Telescopes - ASTRA owns several telescopes that club members can borrow and use for a month or two at a time.
NASA Night Sky Network - ASTRA is in partnership with the NSN along with many other astronomy clubs across America, in providing the public with entertaining and engaging ways to learn basic astronomy concepts.
Astronomical League - ASTRA is one of the many astronomy clubs with membership in the United States. By joining this optional membership with the Astronomical League you’ll receive the Reflector quarterly newsletter.
Want to become a member?
Fill out the form and return it at our next meeting or by mail.