Club Loaner Telescopes
Borrowing Club Loaner Telescope
Club telescopes are available to club members (18 years or older) who have been members for at least three months and after attending three public and/or private star parties.
Equipment for checkout can only be authorized and signed out by a member of The Club Executive Board.
Members must get basic training on telescope use before the loan. The club web page will have linked video reviews and documents. It is recommended to shadow a member with a similar telescope.
First-time members can borrow any telescope or binocular after the above wait period and basic training, except for the Go-To telescope, such as the Celestron Nexstar telescope.
To borrow a Go-To telescope you will need to be a member for at least six months and to get familiar with one of the club’s Dobsonian telescopes first. The Nexstar telescope will also require additional training and is recommended to shadow a member with a Go-To telescope first.
All loaner telescopes are available for a one-month loan, with a one-month extension provided no one else wishes to borrow the telescope.
Members will sign out the telescope and accessories and will account for each item on return. The borrowing member is responsible for the safe return of all equipment signed out.
A standard loan form that lists all the equipment signed out, that includes the terms of the loan in this document, shall be executed by the borrower (original and copy). All club equipment will be listed, and the appropriate box(s) will be checked for the actual equipment being borrowed.
Collimation of borrowed equipment is not permitted without permission of the Club Executive Board. If you feel the borrowed equipment requires collimation, contact a member of the Club Executive Board who will arrange to have it done.
Modification of borrowed equipment is not permitted without permission of the Club Executive Board.
Damaged equipment
Any equipment that is damaged shall be replaced or repaired as necessary to bring said equipment to original specifications and/or condition at the time of lending.
The Club Executive Board shall determine the need for repair or replaceability as well as the choice of vendors necessary to do so.
Not included in this agreement are consumables, e.g. batteries.
Recovery of telescope
Should a telescope be damaged or not returned then the executive board shall determine any necessary action that may need to be taken.
Members who do not abide by these rules will lose the privilege of borrowing a club telescope.