Astronomy Links
Disclaimer: The images and embedded links are to redirect visitors to the associated websites for the purposes of education, and astronomy hobby enthusiasts. There are no endorsements involved with the links below and The Astronomical Society of the Toms River Area. We operate as a group of amateur hobby-enthusiasts for the love of all things space-related. If the website owner wishing us to remove the image and link, please contact the ASTRA Webmaster.
Videos on astronomy, telescopes, and astrophotography can be found here.
Kids Page: Astronomy videos and resources for kids can be found here.
Citizen Science voluntary scientific research can be found here.
Astronomy Picture of the Day. Each day a different image or photograph. Can be found here.
Amateur astronomers living in Monmouth County might want to visit The Star Astronomy Society.
Amateur astronomers in northern New Jersey should contact The United Astronomy Clubs of New Jersey (UACNJ).
Amateur astronomers in southern New jersey should contact The South Jersey Astronomy Club.
NASA is a great resource for everything about space. "Watch NASA TV" and "NASA TV Schedule" under the "Featured NASA Sites" on the lower right side of the page. This gives live coverage during NASA space missions plus interviews and briefings or education programs at other times.
Added Feb 16, 2025 - NASA’s Universe of Learning
Association of Lunar & Planetary Observers
Founded in 1947, The Association of Lunar and Planetary Observers (ALPO) is an international organization devoted to studying the Sun, Moon, planets, asteroids, meteors, and comets. Our goals are to stimulate, coordinate, and generally promote the study of these bodies using methods and instruments that are available within the communities of both amateur and professional astronomers.
STScI Space Telescope Science Institute
Space Telescope Science Institute, Expanding the Frontiers of Space Astronomy.
Visit the STScI which produces video overviews for Tonight’s Sky.
STScI can be found both on Facebook and
Club Logo is available at Shelter Cove Embroidery.
Shirts, jackets, sweaters and more.